Border Checkpoints will be closed during Naadam Festival 2020

Border Checkpoints will be closed during Naadam Festival 2020

The Customs General Administration reports that Mongolia-Russia and Mongolia-China border crossing points for auto vehicles will be closed during the days of Mongolian National Naadam Festival. While international railway and flights will be conducted on regular schedules.

More specifically, Sukhbaatar-Naushki, Altanbulag-Khiagt border crossings and an international border port at Buyant-Ukhaa will work on July 11-15. Railroad ports in Sukhbaatar and Ereentsav will work on these days as well. Border crossing point for auto vehicles in Ereentsav will be open between 08.00am and 17.00 pm on Naadam days.

While Tsagaannuur-Tashanta, Borshoo-Khandgait, Tes-Sharsuuri, Khankh-Mond border checkpoints will be closed on these days. And Zamyn-Uud, Bayankhoshuu, Bichigt, Khangi, Gashuunsukhait, Shiveekhuren and Burgastai border crossings will be closed on July 11-15.